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Internet user
New user registration
Client number
Client number is your account number, without the last 3 characters.
Eg. If your account number is 1234567, your client number will be 1234
User name
The user name should be minimum 7 and maximum 50 characters
It may contain alpha and/or numeric characters
The field is not case sensitive
New password
The password may not contain your username
It should consist of at least 10 characters
It should contain at least 1 lower case letter
It should contain at least 1 upper case letter
It should contain at least 1 number
The field is case sensitive
(that means a letter "R" is different to a letter "r")
Remember this password as you will need it to log into the website in future
Do not disclose your password to any person, not even bank personnel
Confirm password
New pin
Enter 4 to 5 character pin
Confirm pin
Email address
I hereby agree to the 'Terms of use' supplied at the bottom of this page
Enter the code shown above in the box below
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